San Francisco
Computer Consultants, Inc.

localization & e-Business Solutions 

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Virtually all modern businesses are faced with the challenge of implementing an eBusiness Strategy. Time is crucial
The Explosive growth of the Internet is changing consumer expectations, making the transition to e-Business a matter of competitive survival. With consumers demanding faster and more personalized service, companies are compelled to implement e-business solutions to market and serve customers more effectively. To stay competitive an integrated approach is necessary.   
On these pages you will find efficient solutions to this challenge. With our innovative technologies and experienced professionals we can help your organization progress seamlessly through the turn of the century and beyond. We can help!
Find out more about:
gbox.gif (122 bytes) issues concerning eBusiness
gbox.gif (122 bytes) our consulting services and training/seminars we offer
gbox.gif (122 bytes) employment opportunities
gbox.gif (122 bytes) Member of Babylon's Outreach Program for Translators  Babylon Translation Software – Provides online English to Dutch translation and dictionary tools
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